Website In a Day is our 1 day (8hr) workshop designed to guide complete beginners through the process of creating a WordPress Website.
This is a VERY Hands on Workshop where you do all the work (with our guidance), and walk away at the end of the day with a LIVE Website that you have created. You will also learn the skills and experience you need to be able to manage and update the website yourself.
The core areas we cover include
- Keyword Analysis
- Domain registration
- Web Hosting Setup (including creating your own email addresses)
- Installing and Configuring WordPress
- Creating and editing pages and Posts
- Adding Images/Video to your website
- Custom menus and Widgets
- Theme selection and customisation
- Extending Functionality with Plugins
- SEO Fundamentals (including Analytics)
- Ongoing Management of you Website
Included in the workshop are :
- a domain name (for 2 years)
- 1 years website hosting
- a comprehensive workbook detailing everything we doscuss
- Lunch and morning/afternoon tea
- a Certificate of completion
If you’d like to find out more about our Website In a Day Workshop,
Please give Andy a call on 0403 023 223 or Contact Us